Today we went hiking at one of our favourite spots to hike on the Island. Seal Bay Regional Nature Park.

We had been to Seal Bay once before on January 4th, 2021. We enjoyed our hike back then so much that we had to come back for another hike before we left the Island. Today was supposed to be rainy and overcast all day, but we lucked out and the sun was shining as we hiked around Seal Bay.

Standing on a rock and giving Richard a heart attack!
As we were hiking around Seal Bay today we didn’t see much in the way of wildlife unfortunately. We could hear eagles calling to each other and 2 eagles did fly over us at one point, but there were no seals in Seal Bay today. We had hoped we might catch some whales if there were any seals in the Bay, but no such luck for us today.

This guy wasn’t really interested in moving off the bridge to let us pass. The owner explained that the dog was a ‘rescue’ so he was a bit afraid of other people.

This guy went by us on the trail carrying his young daughter on an electric ‘Onewheel’ the self balancing skateboard. We weren’t sure if was the parent was a girl or a guy since the hair was died purple and was in pig tails. Whatever floats your boat!

I was trying to get some shots of the sea birds in flight. It looked like they were feeding on something very close to the shoreline.

Sea gulls eating on the shores of Seal Bay.

The seagulls were eating herring eggs that were in the water, but close to the shoreline. The beach was full today of herring eggs that had washed ashore at high tide.

Watching the kids playing on the swing on the beach. Last week and this week is March break for the school kids on the Island.

Bridge over the waterfall at Seal Bay. The water fall was almost non-existent today, turning into a small trickle over the rocks. The last time we were here in January, there was a fully fledged water fall.

Seal Bay waterfall today. Just a little trickle of water coming down over the rocks.

Seal Bay waterfall January 4, 2021. We would never have believed that this waterfall existed unless we had been here before to see it!

The forest is so beautiful at Seal Bay. Covered in ferns and moss everywhere.

The hiking path is amazing too. Not a crazy trail to hike. Really well maintained.
It struck me as we were walking around Seal Bay today how many benches and stones there we’re memorializIng people. The practise of putting a bench up to remember someone is something that has become quite popular of late. The idea is to sit on the bench, heal, rest and reflect on the events that led to the bench being erected in the first place. What really got me thinking today though was “What would you want your bench to say?” I mean if the bench is memorializing YOU, then don’t you think that is something you should have a say in?
Some of the plaques we saw today on stones and benches.
I was really glad there were so many benches to rest on as this hike is quite up hill getting back from the beach to the upper trail of the Seal loop.

The trail from the beach back up to the Seal Loop.

Posing or should I say ‘pausing’ for photos to catch my breath!
After walking the Seal loop, we added on the Coupland loop trail, so we could get a longer hike today. This hike is not for the faint of heart, despite being a great trail, it is very hilly!
After hiking we split a fruit and nut bar. I think its time to go back to Costco in Courtenay to stock up on the ’Kind’ like Costco bars for our journey home. I’ve already bought some Kit Kat’s, Coffee Crisp and Twix bars for Richard while he is driving Newman. I find he tends to need something in the afternoon, to keep him going and having something sweet keeps him going. We anticipate being able to drive longer as we head home, given the days are longer now, but of course it will all depend on the weather.
We were already north of Courtenay/Comox at Seal Bay, so Richard said, “Do you want to keep going north and try and get some lunch in Campbell River?” So that’s where we headed. From Seal Bay to Campbell River is about a 35 minute drive and since it was nice and sunny, it was a very pleasant day for a drive.
We parked in downtown Campbell River and we headed into a sandwich shop called ‘Shot in the Dark’.

I wasn’t in the mood for a sandwich but I was hungry. Richard ordered a Denver omelet and I asked if the taco salad was made in taco bowl. It wasn’t. Their sign in the window said they made the best lasagne in town, so I asked if their lasagne was homemade. They said they were out of lasagne. At this point I told Richard to enjoy his lunch, I was heading down to ‘Quest’ the best ladies wear store I’ve found on the Island and I would figure out what I was having for lunch after I’d been shopping. I knew I had an apple in my bag in Jerry, so I wouldn’t starve!

The last time we had come to Campbell River to Quest was in January and I was able to get a lot of things on sale. It was truly a ‘Start the Car’ shopping spree! Today I found a beautiful coral/pink coloured sweater and a black ‘Smart Wool’ base layer for warmth. I think any of the base layers that I’ve had with me out here this winter need to be replaced! They have been worn and worn and worn! We Know our little washer/dryer combo in Newman does a great job of washing the clothes, but after 5 months of the same base layers, its time for something new!
Richard found me after his omelette and I had seen a sushi shop I wanted to try. It was closed. Oh well. We got back in Jerry and headed back to the highway to drive the 47 minutes home to Fanny Bay, while I munched on my apple.
When we got home Richard had chores to do with Newman. Richard is getting ready for next week’s departure and he rustproofed the hitch for towing Jerry and took the 30 pound propane tank off our propane tank. Next week we have Viper Fuels coming on Tuesday and we will get a fill up of propane in our onboard propane tank that should last us for quite awhile. Richard also started the diesel generator and oiled all of our slide outs, as well as changing over the water in our freshwater tank. I asked this morning if he had a checklist of things to do before we left and he said they are all in his head. I sure hope he doesn’t forget anything!
Before we leave the Island we wanted to play both Pheasant Glen Golf Resort in Qualicum Beach and Storey Creek Golf Course, just south of Campbell River. We now have tee times for each of these courses on Friday and Saturday respectively. We are very excited to play both of these courses which we have heard so much about. The weather is supposed to be 11C both days, so we’re hoping that we have two great days of golf before we leave the Island. We think that these two rounds will be all we have time for before we leave.
So think about what I said earlier. What would you want your bench to say? I think its something you should think about. Maybe you don’t want a bench and you should let people know that too! The idea of people you don’t know sitting down on your bench might just not be your thing! Anyway, it was a food for thought kind of day as we meandered our way around Seal Bay Regional Nature Park today!
And as I’m writing the blog today Richard and his buddies are all outside enjoying a fire. I think they will miss him when he’s gone as our fire pit seems to be the home base for the fires in the park.

Tim (from Edmonton) , Richard (from Fort Erie), Ken (from Winnipeg) & Jim (from Fernie). We’ve got 4 of the 10 Provinces represented by these old guys behaving badly!