What’s better than being pampered?.....having an impromptu encounter with being pampered I would say!
But today wasn’t my day for pampering...no sireeee! I was doing a full workout at strength training today in Courtenay while JERRY was being pampered! What is wrong with this picture?!

Jerry had an oil change, lube and new oil & air filter today while I was getting killed by my strength trainer at my workout. It’s funny how things happen.sometimes Last week Richard and I were trying to figure out how many kilometres were actually on Jerry since he last had an oil, lube & filter. Because we tow Jerry, the kilometres get added to the odometer, even though the engine is not running. This morning the ‘change oil’ light came on in Jerry, so it was time to get him pampered and the ‘Great Canadian Oil Change’ place in Courtenay was just down the street from my strength trainer., With no appointment necessary, Richard was able to get Jerry pampered and be back to pick me up when I was finished training, within the hour.
I’m sure you saw Richard’s photo from yesterday. His lovely hair sticking straight up like ‘Alfalfa’ from the Little Rascals.

That’s a man in need of some serious pampering!
After my strength training we headed downtown Courtenay so I could pick up a few things at the health food store ‘Edible Island Whole Foods Market’. After that stop, we decided we would go for lunch and pick up some meat at the ’Butcher Block’ downtown Courtenay. And as fate would have it, the hair salon that I frequent is right next door to ‘Butcher Block’!

Extreme Ends Salon right next to Butcher Block butcher shop.
We walked into Extreme Ends to see if we could get an appointment with Christie (my stylist) for Richard on Thursday when I’m back in Courtenay for more strength training and it turns out that she had a cancellation for 2:30pm today, so lucky Richard got an impromptu hair cut today, which he desperately needed!

Nice hair cut buddy!
Since we had to wait around for Richard’s hair appointment we stopped into the butcher shop to have some amazing sandwiches prepared for us, while we were purchasing some meat for dinner.

Turkey with all the fixings for me!

Warm chicken cordon bleu sandwich for Richard on a panini bun.
We ate our lunch in Jerry, in Rotary Park downtown Courtenay, which is less than a 2 minute drive from the butcher and hair salon. Everything in downtown Courtenay is very conveniently located and parking is easy to find.
While Richard was getting his hair cut, I went off in search of some street photography opportunities and to check out a neat store we had seen driving through downtown Courtenay today.
I walked up the street from the hair salon to a store called ‘Local Refillery’ to see what they were all about.

The concept of ‘Local Refillery‘ is you can bring any containers with you that are clean and dry, weigh them as soon as you get to the store, record the weight of the container on it, then fill your container with ether dry goods, spices, cleaning products or self care products. I wandered around and since I didn’t have any containers with me, I bought a natural cleaning stick to try and get my pink down vest I’ve been wearing all winter clean!
Local Refillery is a ‘B Corp’ (Benefit Corporation) which means they are a business that meets the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose by harnessing the power of business. B Corp uses profits and growth to create a positive impact for their employees, communities and the environment. Local Refillery is focused on zero waste and follows the 5 R’s of zero waste living which are: 1) Refuse what we do not need 2) Reduce what we do need 3) Reuse what we consume 4) Recycle what we cannot refuse, reduce or reuse and 5) Rot (or compost) the rest. They have a few interesting websites for learning about their movement including: www.zerowastehome.com
I think the next time I’m in need of some skincare or cleaning products, I will go to this store with my clean dry bottle!
Since I still had time to kill after visiting ‘Local Refillery’ I decided to walk over to 5th Street in Courtenay to check out any stores I have not yet been in.
While Richard and Jerry were being pampered today on International Women’s Day, and it should really have been me being pampered, I didn’t think I was up for some pampering from this store today!

I’m sure you can figure out what they are waxing from the mugs they have in their window in the photos below!
I am not sure drinking tea from a mug like this would be really very enjoyable....call me a prude! OMG!
Richard texted me as I was walking down 5th Street to say he was finished with his pampering. I was enjoying looking at the flowers coming up in bloom downtown Courtenay on this beautiful +7C sunny day.

The crocuses are in bloom in the flower boxes downtown Courtenay.
We started for home down the Island Hwy and made a quick stop at Walmart to buy another meat thermometer. We have bought three meat thermometers since we arrived on the Island. One of the thermometers did not work and was cheap, the 2nd one we cannot find for the life of us, so today we bought another one and we won’t lose it! BBQ season is upon us!
The Coastal mountains were stunning this afternoon as we drove home and I asked Richard to please pull over in Royston so we could stop and hike a bit and take some photos.

Coastal mountains with Comox on the left of the photo.

Enjoying the view. Stunning!
As we were driving home from Royston around 4:15pm I said to Richard tonight would be a good night to make a fire for our neighbours Jim and Tim. Sure enough when we got home, the boys had already started the fire in our fire pit and they were waiting for Richard to join them!

Tim & Jim starting the fire at Lighthouse RV Park lot #13 where Newman is situated.
As the boys enjoy a few ‘pops’ around the fire, I scrubbed my pink down vest with my natural stain remover stick and then hung the vest up to dry in the shower area. I believe the natural stain remover stick has removed all of the stains on the down vest! I am so glad I stopped into ‘Local Refillery’. My down vest got some pampering too, along with the pampering Jerry and Richard got today!
And tomorrow we are on for our 9:28am tee time at Qualicum Beach Memorial Golf Club with our buddies Ken and Curtis. The weather tomorrow also looks good for the morning with glimpses of sunshine! We’ll take it! And while I won’t be hitting any 385 yard drives like Bryson Dechambeau tomorrow, I’ll see how the strength training is helping me to crush that pink ball further down the fairway than my Titleist ProV1!
Drive for show...putt for dough!