On the 8th tee my new buddy!
This morning as Richard turned the light on in the hallway over my bathroom sink, the light was very dull, almost burned out. Thinking there was a fluorescent tube that needed to be replaced, Richard took of the light cover and discovered some very strange looking LED strips. He texted St. Stephen to see if he knew what the light strips were and he said it looked like a ‘hack job’. Anyway, we figured we could go to an RV dealership after our golf game today and figure it out. Its nice there are so many RV dealerships on the Island, as every 2nd driveway has an RV in it!
Ken our golf buddy from Q. Beach had texted Richard that there was a frost delay so our 9:12 tee time was probably going to turn into a 10am or a 10:30am tee time, with the delay. I took my time getting ready for golf, looked at the Bank stock and saw it was going crazy today, and called my broker to sell some stock. We were not rushing to leave the RV park, since we thought we weren’t playing now until 10am or so.
We arrived at Qualicum Beach Memorial Golf Club at 10am and as per usual, Richard handed me my golf boots to put on, and he went off to get the pull carts and pay for our green fees. Within 2 minutes Richard is back and says “We are on the tee! and I mean we are on the TEE NOW!” Ken and Curtis were waiting for us and they were about to tee off.
I ran up the hill pulling my pull cart and clubs and made it to the white tees before Ken teed off. Curtis followed him and then Richard came running up the hill to the first tee, and his shoelaces were still undone!
Richard teed off, Not his best tee shot, of course, given the circumstances, but at least he made it before Ken & Curtis were half way down the first hole. Ken had tried to get the pro shop to have another group tee off instead, but they wouldn’t hear of it saying that their playing partners (US!!) would have to catch up to them. Well, we made it, but that first hole sure was a blur after arriving right at our tee time!

Curtis and me on the 7th hole Q. Beach Memorial Golf Club.
Richard played very well today. He made par on each of the 3 par 3’s! I was good company today with a very slow start. Usually I’m the one who is good right out of the car in a cloud of dust, but not today!
We left the golf club after our round and headed off to visit a few properties we had seen come up on the MLS overnight in Errington and Parksville. Its great to do a drive by in Jerry and get to know the area, since we haven’t seen everything around here yet!
One of the places we saw today was quite interesting. I’m not sure who they thought would buy their very unique property, but it certainly would not be us!

A very interesting entrance to this home.

I think these things on the posts must be to ward off evil spirits....or maybe interested buyers?!!!
After driving down a few country streets in Parksville, we were back driving on the Coastal Hwy in Parksville, when we saw the glass blowing studio which had been closed since Christmas, was now open again. We decided to go in and see if there were any artisans in residence today so we could watch them blowing glass.

Robert Held started his career as a glass blower in 1978 in Calgary. After he moved to Vancouver, B.C., he operated a successful studio for 37 years. He decided to retire and move to Vancouver Island and after 1 month of retirement, he opened up his studio in Parksville. Robert uses techniques which date back as long ago as 2,000 B.C. Some of his works are inspiried by the paintings of famous artists such as Monet and Klimt.
We really loved the pieces being sold at the studio, but we were not in the market today for any glass ware. We were told that the glass blower was on the 6pm ferry out of Vancouver today, so they were hoping that tomorrow, their second day open since Christmas, they would have the glass blower artist in the studio. Perhaps we will visit another day to watch these beautiful pieces being created. Someone I know named Miss H would love this spot!
After visiting the Art Glass studio, we drove down the Coastal Hwy to visit Arbutus RV. Richard showed them what we were dealing with in our bathroom light fixture, to see if they had anything that would replace the light. The parts and service technician said “That definitely is a hack job your dealing with”. He asked Richard to go home and measure the light fixture and email him back the measurements, so he could go on the Newmar website to determine what the correct replacement fixture would cost.
We then headed to Canadian Tire in Parksville as Richard had the idea that perhaps Canadian Tire would sell us a replacement fixture. The guy in Canadian Tire said “That is a hack job your dealing with!” He could have sold us replacement LED strips for the light fixture, but at $40 a strip, and the fact that it was a ‘hack job’ by the previous owner, we weren’t too thrilled about trying to replace LED lights that were not an OEM (original equipment manufactured) part.
We were hungry and nothing in Parksville was appealing to us today, so I grabbed us some sushi at the Save On Foods and we went down to the French Creek Harbour to have our lunch in Jerry. We ate with the windows open and enjoyed the sunshine and +7C day.

Dynamite roll! We keep a bottle of sushi ginger in the armrest in Jerry! They never give us enough ginger for our sushi! Richard keeps saying “We’re like a couple of college kids eating takeout in our car!”
After we drove home and got into Newman I turned on the bathroom light and what do you know, it worked!

What a strange lighting system! St. Stephen says it will fail again, so Richard has taken the measurements of the light fixture and emailed the guy at Arbutus RV to see if we can get an OEM part to replace this light ballast.
We have been playing golf since we got here on the Island with the same 4 golf towels. I’m sure today the towels could have stood up by themselves with all of the mud that was on them. When we got home I took the towels off our golf bags and now they are finally being washed by themselves in Newman’s handy dandy all in one washer/dryer combo.

OH my! Such dirty golf towels!
We’ll have fresh towels on our bags tomorrow for our 9:12am tee time at Qualicum Beach Memorial Golf Club playing with our buddies Ken & (maybe) Curtis. We will also be there nice and early so we are not arriving in a cloud of dust, with our shoe laces undone on the first tee!