That is exactly what we were thinking as we cruiised through Oakville, Ontario, 75 minutes into our trip when the check engine light flashed on and off! OMG!!!
Since picking up Newman in July from an elderly couple in Leamington, Richard has had Newman serviced and upgraded almost weekly. He’s been very meticulous about all the work that needed to be done before we left on this trip, documenting everything that has been done in his new maintenance logbook.
BUT just like that our plans have changed! Instead of heading along Hwy 11 from Barrie to destinations North, after having new air conditioning shrouds (covers) installed on Newman’s roof, we’ll be driving to Creemore (40 minutes out of our way). The engine needs to be put on the diagnostic computer at Steer Industries to determine what‘s wrong? Better to be safe than sorry and stuck on the side of the road somewhere miles away from being able to have the RV serviced.
Our fingers are crossed that whatever is wrong will be repaired quickly so we’re on our way soon. We do have some ”cushion” built into the trip. Our ferry passage to Vancouver island is booked for November 28th. If we encounter a slight delay we can still make up the time. Our journey was never going to be a sprint to the coast! We are now taking time to smell the roses, not just wave at them as we drive by.
Our neighbours Horst and Sheila surprised us yesterday with some very special retirement balloons and a lovely bottle of wine to enjoy on the road. Horst and Richard have been on the Newman “upgrade“ program since July and we hope that today’s engine diagnostic won’t bring us any really bad news! We’ll keep you posted!
